all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 2AA 6 0 52.063733 -1.30041
OX17 2AB 19 0 52.063283 -1.298885
OX17 2AD 10 1 52.063623 -1.297144
OX17 2AE 18 0 52.065015 -1.296845
OX17 2AF 17 0 52.066457 -1.294328
OX17 2AG 22 3 52.059684 -1.289212
OX17 2AH 4 0 52.063249 -1.296216
OX17 2AL 7 0 52.07951 -1.273401
OX17 2AN 2 0 52.087124 -1.295023
OX17 2AP 6 0 52.115466 -1.201491
OX17 2AQ 3 1 52.056442 -1.285603
OX17 2AR 8 0 52.117236 -1.199955
OX17 2AS 23 0 52.11709 -1.200907
OX17 2AT 27 0 52.117337 -1.204203
OX17 2AU 2 0 52.11897 -1.204553
OX17 2AW 6 0 52.091106 -1.289312
OX17 2AX 18 1 52.117 -1.207612
OX17 2BG 12 0 52.120405 -1.213437
OX17 2AY 3 0 52.117904 -1.20967
OX17 2AZ 11 1 52.117974 -1.207989